Dr. Peter Gloystein: current mandates and curriculum vitae

The entrepreneurial approach has accompanied me throughout my entire professional career. After resigning the majority of my mandates in 2022 and 2023, I am currently still active as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DAIDALOS Investment Advisors GmbH. Furthermore, I am Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Protestant Hospital Bethesda in Mönchengladbach.
I laid the foundation for my entrepreneurial activities with my studies of business administration and my doctorate in economics. After completing my PhD, I served in several positions at various banks such as WestLB and Commerzbank AG, where I was a Member of the Board of Directors for nine years. Afterwards I was Spokesman of the Board of Management of BHF-Bank and Member of the Executive Committee Europe of ING Group. In addition, I have always been active in cultural activities on a voluntary basis during my professional life.

Peter Gloystein

My curriculum vitae in short

My current appointments

DAIDALOS Investment Advisors GmbH, Frankfurt, Dubai, Singapore
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Protestant Hospital Bethesda, Mönchengladbach
Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Friends of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf/Duisburg
Member of the Board of Trustees

Friends of the Teatro la Fenice e. V., Berlin
Chairman of the Management Board

Fondazione Internazionale Richard Wagner di Venezia
Co-sponsor of the Wagner Museum, Venice, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Society for the Promotion of the Artistic and Cultural Center of Hombroich, Neuss
Honorary Member of the Advisory Board

Past appointments include:

1990 to present
Numerous mandates in German companies and in finance and cultural management, e.g. German member of the Maas Commission for the preparation of the European Monetary Union, Member of the Board of Directors of the European Banking Association, Chairman of the support associations of the operas in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Bayreuth and Venice

2005 – 2023
Management consultant with focus on finance and cultural management in Düsseldorf, Bremen and Kronberg/Ts

2004 – 2005
City-State of Bremen: Deputy Mayor Senator for Economy and Ports and Senator for Culture

2002 – 2004
Management consultant with focus on finance and cultural management, Kronberg/Ts.

1999 – 2002
Spokesman of the Board of Managing Directors of BHF-Bank AG, also Member of the Executive Committee Europe, ING-Group, Amsterdam

1981 – 1999
Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main

1990 Member of the Executive Board

1986 Co-Director of the Stuttgart branch

1981 Central Coordination and Planning Department, Frankfurt
Head of the Financial Planning Department

1975 – 1981
WestLB Düsseldorf, International Business, Frankfurt/Main

1971 – 1975
HWWA Institute for Economic Research, Hamburg, doctoral student of international monetary policy

My education:
Doctorate, Dr. rer. pol., University of Hamburg

Diploma in Business Administration

Studies of business administration, University of Hamburg

German Armed Forces (lieutenant)

Abitur (German A-level)

Do you have any questions or suggestions?